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I'm sure you've heard the term life coaching. A life coach coaches people so they can shape their personal, professional and social life. Choosing a life coach is totally personal. These days, people are more aware of who they are and are looking for more context and meaning. Here, it's always about questions such as: who am I, what do I want and what am I capable of? But they also want more insight into a good work-life balance. Life coaching helps to do this.
In addition to a professional and social approach, life coaching focuses on well-being and happiness. When should you look for a personal life coach? When certain themes keep cropping up in your life you don't know how to turn them around, and you really want to transform them. Life coaching concentrates on the quality and design of your life. Improving the balance between personal desires and the relationship to work and the world around you is that dot on the horizon. Life coaching helps you to make the right choices. I introduce you to and explain the circle of life.
Every person is born with a life mission, but many people lose sight of their life mission the moment they come into this world. Everything is aimed at learning. That means being carefree in life and able to discover what life's ‘big adventure’ means to you. Everyone chooses their parents themselves. The reason for this is that you, as a soul, want to grow as much as possible. In addition, everyone has various themes in their lives, for instance: dealing with narcissism, self-love, standing up for yourself, insecurity, injustice and so on. These themes are the thread running through your life. By tackling different situations, your learn and progress to the next level; after all, as a person, you are constantly learning.
In your journey of discovery, chances are that at some point in your life you get to the bottom of your problem. That means that in response to a situation you decide: never again. By making this choice, the right people will cross your path. You can ask for help from a transformation coach, awareness coach or medium. Because the core problem of the themes is addressed, you can make a radical change. Otherwise, you, as HSP, will continue to go around in circles, while you feel in every cell of your being that you have a life mission to fulfil.
In essence, what it's all about is how you treat your soul every day. Do you follow your heart, always make choices based on the values important to you, love yourself unconditionally, and take the steps needed to come closer to your life mission? How do you handle relationships? Once the circle of life is complete, only your soul and how you have developed yourself remain. That's why personal growth should be top of the list in a person's life, whatever level they are at.
Everything is energy. Everything you experience is energy and you store it in your system. If you come across triggers and obstacles, it is a chance to work on them, learn the lessons, so that you become conscious of everything in your subconscious. This means you grow and as you grow you stand stronger in life.
As a child, I always knew I was different. Certainly that I was extremely sensitive and knew immediately if a person was telling me the truth. Because, after 15 years, I had reached the bottom of my personal themes and wanted to get out, I discovered my gift. That gift is also known as the sixth sense, which means I am a healer, medium, coach and spiritual coach/teacher.
In an individual, one-on-one session, I connect with the deepest core, the place of your power and love. In this way, I find your core problem and, with you, can remove it. Core problems may be your fears, insecurities, blocks, pain and trauma. The result is, you become increasingly powerful, live in a state of love, are more relaxed and energetic. You radiate more love and you develop on a daily basis. Life coaching with a silver lining. My specialisms are:
Personal life coach
For any issues related to feeling happy in everything you do. Together we examine the themes and immediately tackle the core problem. This allows you to move on with fulfilling your life mission. Life coachingis for anyone who wants to resolve and transform problems.
Business coach
You are an experienced entrepreneur, manager or coach. You are good at what you do and yet things are not going the way you want. You don't know the reason for it or why you repeatedly come up against your core problem. You take this core problem with you to your team and business. My gift is to help you resolve your core problem in a number of sessions (depending on the issue). You receive tools that you can apply independently after the sessions.
Transformation coach
In my career as a consultant I have supported multiple teams through change processes. I do this with a soft approach and use people's strengths. Together with you, I look at how you can get your team and yourself moving again. That also applies when you come for personal transformation.
Change & mindset coach
Change starts with a thought. You can use your mindset as a strength. As a human being, you have learned patterns through conditioning. As a change and & mindset coach, I look at your core problem, so you can work on your mindset and on reversing patterns.
HSP coach
As highly sensitive person you have a different, often more intense, experience of the world. How do you handle yourself and how do you use your talents as strengths? As an experienced HSP I help you to experience your pitfalls as talents and to use your high sensitivity as a strength.
Healing coach
In a personal session, I tune in to you completely, and give you my full attention from start to finish. Together, we start with a visualisation, and home in on your triggers and blocks and remove them from your system. After a healing session, you feel more energetic, loving and relieved and can carry on with what you are meant to do.
Relationship coach
If you are in a relationship with a HSP or if you have found your soulmate or twin soul, chances are you clash. In a one-on-one session I home in on your personal themes and in the following session work with both of you together. I explain why certain issues have come into your live and what they represent. If you have a HSP child together, I can look at why your family is not in balance, for example. I make the translation from child to parents and ensure there is the right communication so the family is back in balance in a short time. This also applies to post-divorce care, so you can move on and enjoy life again.
Medium & soul coach
As a medium I have the gift of communicating with people who have died. That means that I can help with the grieving process, and provide closure when a family member has been unexpectedly plucked from this life, so the circle can be closed. I also guide people in the process of dying, in close consultation with family members and loved ones. I also have a close connection with animals. That means I can tune into them and pass on anything they wish to convey. A healing often helps them feel better.
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